Where your pets are family!

New Patients

Duvall Veterinary Hospital services – delivered with courtesy and respect!

As a new client of our Veterinary Hospital in Duvall, you can expect our full attention to your pet’s needs.

When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly, and we’ll usher you into an examination room after checking in your pet.

In most cases, one of our veterinary technicians will start by asking about your pet’s medical history, current condition and the reason for your visit, gathering data for the doctor.

Our veterinarian will then examine your pet, ask you further questions and may recommend diagnostic tests if needed. Once the tests have been run, which can usually be done in the practice, your doctor will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted.

This is a great time to ask questions. Our veterinary team wants to make sure you’re completely comfortable with the information we’re providing.

Our veterinary technician will likely come back to wrap things up and will provide you with helpful pet care information and answer any wellness and care questions you may have. Our front desk staff will process your payment and schedule any needed follow-up appointments.

Please note: Our goal is to see all our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

We are excited to meet you and your pets!

We value your personal information. Your email will be used only for notifications from Duvall Veterinary Hospital.
Please complete if you plan on writing checks.
Additional Contact
You authorize us to speak to this person about your pet’s care in the event we cannot reach you.
Which Social Media Platforms do you use?
How did you hear about us?

New Patient Information

Dog or Cat

Additional Patient Info

Dog or Cat
We love social media! We would like your consent to share your pets' image(s) on our social media and website. Your full name and personal information will never be used.
Social media consent

If you must cancel an appointment, we ask for 24 hours notice. If cancelling a surgical appointment, we ask for 48 hours notice. A late cancellation or frequent cancellations may result in a fee being applied to your account.

Current vaccinations are required by Duvall Veterinary Hospital before we may admit any animal for any reason. We are a flea free hospital so if your pet is found to have fleas we will administer flea control at your cost. These measures are taken to protect the well-being of all animals within our hospital.

Treatment Consent: I hereby authorize the veterinarian to examine, prescribe for or treat the above described pet(s). I assume responsibility for all charges incurred in the care of this animal. I understand that payment is always due in full at the time of service. I recognize that financial concerns should be discussed prior to exam and treatment. For your convenience we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Care Credit, and cash. Please stop at the reception desk to review and pay for services.

I confirm that the above information is correct and that I am the owner or authorized agent of the patient(s) listed above.

Clear Signature